A Natural Way

Are you looking for a way to conceive naturally without the need for IVF or other artificial reproductive technologies? Are you longing to have a child but have been struggling to conceive for so long and losing hope? 

The Creighton Model FertilityCare System is a scientifically proven, effective and ethical method of natural family planning.

I wholeheartedly believe and know this system works from my own experience of conceiving naturally after 5 years of infertility and failed IVF. 

Through my years of experience as a FertilityCare Practitioner I also had the amazing privilege of seeing the couples I taught find new hope and finally get answers for their unexplained primary/ secondary infertility.

I am delighted to have seen many of them conceive when all other avenues led them nowhere or after they have been trying for many years.

With this system you no longer have to feel alone on your journey! 


Your Practitioner will teach you how to observe, chart and understand your fertility signs. You will know what days are fertile or infertile. 

They will help you to know what is normal or abnormal in your cycle and identify bio markers that may show the need for further tests, investigation or treatment.

If this is the case they will refer you to your nearest NaProTechnology Consultant who has the expertise and experience to diagnose what the issue may be. They will treat you in a way that works naturally with your cycle rather than overriding it (as some artificial reproductive technologies do) with the aim to restore your cycle to how it should be.

Selecting the most fertile days alone has a high success rate of helping you to conceive (98% effective within 6 cycles of normal fertility). Couples struggling with infertility can expect a success rate of between 20% and 40% within the first year with no NaProTechnology help. With NaProTechnology help this can be up to 80% depending on a number of factors such as age and diagnosis (note that the best UK IVF success rate is for the under 35 age range at under 30%).

My vision for you is that you get a proper diagnosis and have opportunities and hope beyond the limiting options offered by mainstream medicine and health services.

During the Learning Programme and beyond your Practitioner will walk with you and support you on your fertility journey.

This method is not just about trying to achieve pregnancy it’s also about maintaining a pregnancy. Those with recurring miscarriages can also find out the cause and prevent this happening again. Currently mainstream doctors won’t investigate until there has been 3 consecutive losses.  We strongly believe that one loss is too many. A Practitioner will help you on this scary and heartbreaking journey to find answers and have a healthy long pregnancy and successful birth.

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The system is also for all women, whether single or married, to be used as a means to monitor their reproductive and gynecological health. Those who would like to avoid pregnancy naturally rather than opting for contraceptives (which can be so harmful to our bodies) can do so very successfully using the same system, including those who are breastfeeding.